E-books about healthproblems with focus on a overactive immunesystem. All inflammation disease are caused by immunesystem reactions. Mast cells are a part of the immune system. When there too many toxins and systemic and nutritional imbalances, they can behave abnormal: overreactive. This is called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). All my e-books are related to this syndrome. There is still a lot research to be done and we need to spread awareness so we can help more people who are desperately looking for answers. Uptill now physisians and hospitals can not help. 

Even though I relate several healthproblems to MCAS, the information is suitable for many diseases. The knowledge is growing. Now long Covid, IBS/IBD,  CFS/ME, Mold Disease are all related to MCAS.

I am working on translations in English. 

The e-books are for sale on and

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Een nonfictie roadtravelboek ten tijde van de corona lockdown.
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